5 Benefits of Regular A/C Maintenance in MA and CT

Spring is here in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and summer is right around the corner. Preparing for warmer weather often means landscaping, spring cleaning, and prepping the patio and grill for a Memorial Day cookout. Amidst all your prepping, don’t forget about caring for your home comfort equipment! Regular A/C maintenance ensures your system is ready to cool your home at a moment’s notice, and it can also significantly impact the efficiency, safety, and longevity of your unit. Keep reading to learn more about the many benefits of a regular A/C tune-up.

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Why Should I Schedule My A/C Tune-Up Early?

  1. Prepares Home for Warm Weather

That first day requiring air conditioning often comes out of nowhere, and there’s not a lot worse than cranking up the A/C on a hot day and feeling warm air come out of the vent. Since the weather needs to be warm and dry for a tune-up, when you schedule early, you will avoid the last-minute rush and have more flexibility. Plus, scheduling your regular tune-up at the beginning of the warm season is the best way to ensure your system is in top working order when that first heat wave hits!

       2. Increases Your Comfort

You’ll get the most out of your A/C system if it is tuned up early in the season. Regular maintenance keeps your system running properly, resulting in more consistent and reliable temperatures.

       3. Reduces Energy Consumption and Cost

A tuned-up A/C runs more efficiently and can lead to bigger savings for you! Regular maintenance can reduce energy consumption by 10%.

Related Post: Keep Your Air Conditioning Costs Down This Summer

      4. Helps Avoid Expensive System Malfunctions

Scheduling a tune-up from a trained technician can help avoid a breakdown on those hot summer days when you need air conditioning the most. An emergency service call to repair a malfunctioning system can get expensive, but a tune-up can help keep you cool and save your wallet by addressing minor issues before they become major problems.

      5. Extends the Life of Your Unit

Whether you have recently purchased a new cooling unit or have an older system in your home, a tune-up increases the longevity of equipment. Regular maintenance on a new unit will help you capitalize on your investment by extending the life of your equipment, and on an older unit, it can allow for a few more years of operation before you need to splurge on a new system.

Don’t Wait! Call Noonan Energy Today to Schedule Your Tune-Up

At Noonan Energy, our skilled technicians will ensure your unit is running at peak efficiency, so you can stay cool when the temperature rises.  Additionally, we offer comfort plans to make maintaining your equipment as efficient and cost-effective as possible. No matter the age, size, or type of cooling system, we’ve got you covered! Take care of your air conditioning system this spring so that you can have a cool, worry-free summer. Contact Noonan Energy today.