How’s the Air Quality in Your MA Home?

How’s the Air Quality in Your MA Home?

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Are you worried about the air quality in your home? Have you or your family experienced sore throats, coughing, or congestion lately? If you have, you may need to do some work to improve your indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can cause or worsen respiratory irritation; but there is good news! Improving your indoor air quality is much easier than you think. Noonan Energy is here to help you improve the air quality of your Massachusetts home, so you can have a safe and comfortable environment for your family. Read on to find out what you can do today.


3 Big Tips to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Filter & Tune-Up HVAC Equipment

Air filters do most of the work in catching airborne particles and bacteria, so having a regular tune-up when your air filter can be changed is an easy way to improve your air quality. Plus, having an annual tune-up increases the efficiency and longevity of your equipment.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

While your home probably has a smoke detector, it might not have a carbon monoxide detector. Having one of these alarms in your home is extremely useful, and you can pick one up at your local hardware store. You can plug it into any outlet, and it beeps loudly if it detects carbon monoxide in the air.

Dust & Vacuum Regularly

These household chores will help reduce the buildup of dust, dander, pollen, and other allergens, which will significantly improve the air quality in your Massachusetts home. The more airborne particles you can clean out of your home, the healthier the air will be.

Let Us Help You

Contact us for an evaluation of your home’s indoor air quality today! We can also help with tune-ups. If you have any questions about improving the air quality in your home, contact us today, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.