What Happens When My Furnace or Boiler Is Cleaned?

Many Massachusetts homeowners are on a strict regimen for keeping up their household and yard. Who doesn’t want a clean and comfortable home and a nice-looking yard? But many usually forget one crucial thing: cleaning their heating equipment. Getting your furnace or boiler cleaned regularly is extremely important for your safety and air quality. Read on to learn about the importance and what happens when you have your heating equipment cleaned regularly.

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Your Furnace

We recommend that you schedule your furnace’s tune-ups on a regular basis. When you have a professional clean and maintain your furnace, the technician will remove all dirt, dust, and other particulates that have accumulated over the season. Furnaces are like magnets when it comes to dust and dirt. Plus, the technician can take a look to make sure there aren’t any other functional problems.

Not cleaning your furnace can have major negative impacts on you and your family! All of that particulate matter that your furnace attracts gets distributed through the air in your home, meaning poor indoor air quality that can irritate asthma and allergies. On top of that, the dirt buildup will affect the performance of your furnace, meaning that it won’t heat as powerfully as you want it to.

Your Boiler

Getting your boiler cleaned is an important and responsible step toward maintaining your heating equipment as a homeowner. Boilers heat your home using steam or hot water, and in doing that, dust and grime can build up and clog the pipes and other components. When grime builds up in your boiler, it can lower your boiler’s efficiency, meaning it won’t heat like it should.

When you get your boiler cleaned, a technician will scrub the tubes and clean the other components of the unit, ensuring that the boiler is clean and operating at peak efficiency. A great benefit to having your boiler maintained and cleaned by a professional is that he or she can check for any other functional problems before they lead to potentially costly repairs.

Contact Us

If you haven’t had your furnace or boiler cleaned in awhile, be sure to reach out to schedule an appointment. Contact us today to reserve your spot! If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them.