Save on Spring A/C Energy Costs in MA

Chill out with a new ductless mini-split, A/C tune-up, or Cooling Comfort Plan from Noonan Energy! Keep your MA home cool and reduce your energy bills.

Spring Energy Conservation in Massachusetts

April Image.jpgEveryone wants to spend less for the same amount of home comfort! With Noonan’s spring energy promotions, it’s an achievable goal. We’ve compiled a list of steps you can follow to make sure you’re not spending more than necessary on cooling your home during the warm seasons of 2019.

  • Schedule your air conditioner’s annual tune-up.

Booking an A/C tune-up is one of the best ways to cut your energy bills in Massachusetts. In fact, homeowners who book annual efficiency tune-ups for their air conditioners can see as much as 10% savings on electricity, repairs, and service calls. Don’t hesitate: book your A/C system maintenance today to prolong the life and efficiency of your air conditioner. 

  • Have a ductless mini-split A/C installed.

Are you running an outdated window A/C unit, or do you have an addition to your home that’s difficult to reach with central A/C? A ductless mini-split could be your new best friend! These high-efficiency units are whisper-quiet and provide zoned cooling, which is perfect for the average MA family. Each unit, affixed to any wall in your home, can be customized to your preferred temperature. 

  • Sign up for a cooling system service plan.

Our Cooling Comfort Plan is the way to get the most out of your home energy budget. This A/C-inspired service plan includes your annual tune-up, a 15% discount on parts and labor, and priority scheduling for same-day or next-day service. Learn more about our Cooling Comfort Plan or contact us to talk about signing up. 

  • Install a programmable thermostat.

Giving your A/C a daily break is one of the most effective ways to conserve energy and save on home energy bills. If there is a consistent time of day when nobody is home, program your thermostat to let up on the A/C during that time. Even raising temps a few degrees for several hours will make a big difference. Contact us to get your programmable thermostat! 

  • Cool down outside.

Whenever possible, plan outdoor activities for your family. Cooling down in a swimming pool or at the beach can be a great way to stay cool without the expense of cranking up the A/C. If swimming isn’t an option, hiking or biking is an active way to enjoy a cool spring breeze. 

  • Meal plan strategically.

Eating hot foods over the spring and summer can put a real damper on staying cool. Experiment with cool meals that don’t run your oven or leave your family feeling overheated. Salads, sandwiches, and wraps are a great place to start.

If you’re interested in learning more about our air conditioning services, contact us online! We’ll be more than pleased to speak with you about keeping your Massachusetts home cool and comfortable.