Choosing the Right Payment Plan

Summer in Massachusetts is all about backyard barbecues, trips to the beach, and spending time outdoors with loved ones. Heating season seems like a distant memory, but did you know now is the perfect time to start planning ahead? Homeowners that sign up for a heating fuel payment plan during the summer can rest easy when next winter rolls around.

Your Payments, Your Way

July-2018-Image.pngBefore you put next winter totally out of mind, take a few moments to select the pricing option that best suits your budget and household heating needs. Payment plans offer customers the opportunity to take advantage of lower off-season fuel rates and spread heating costs evenly throughout the year. Each plan offers different benefits to suit your specific spending goals:

Budget Plan
Skip the stress of managing ever-changing fuel bills. With a budget plan, your annual fuel costs are distributed into even monthly payments. We estimate your usage based on previous history, then divide that into 12 or 10 installments. You can choose a 12-month or a 10-month budget plan.

Pre-Pay Plan
Take care of your heating fuel in one step! Pre-Pay customers purchase heating oil in advance at a low, fixed price. We will help you estimate how many gallons you will need for the season, you pay upfront, then get back to relaxing!

Fixed Price Budget Pre-Pay Plan
Similar to the Pre-Pay Plan, this allows you to contract for a specific number of gallons at a fixed price for the heating season. But, instead of paying right away you can divide the cost into five equal installments.

Add-On Downside Protection
Downside protection is an optional policy that will guarantee that you always pay the lowest possible price for heating oil. If the market price drops below your fixed price, you pay the lower price. This is available for Pre-Pay and Fixed Budget Pre-Pay Plans for up to 2,000 gallons.

The Benefits of Your Payment Plan

From season to season, customers have signed up for a payment plan option to…

–        Get annual savings

–        Enjoy predictable energy bills

–        Protect themselves from market fluctuation

If you have questions or would like to sign up for one of Noonan Energy’s affordable payment plans, contact us here!