5 Easy Tips for Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

We might be past the coldest month of the year in Massachusetts and Connecticut, but it’s still very much winter outside, and that probably means your doors are closed, and your windows are locked tight. While this keeps your home warm and cozy, the downside to battening the hatches is that it also keeps impurities in the air trapped inside with you. Airborne allergens, like pet dander, and pollutants, such as carbon monoxide or the compounds from cleaning and personal care products, contribute to poor air quality and can cause adverse health effects, like itchy eyes or throat, worsened allergies or asthma, and fatigue.

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In warmer months, we can combat these impurities in our air by opening our doors and windows regularly, but such natural ventilation is not often an option during a New England winter; however, there are still ways you can improve the air quality when open windows aren’t a possibility. Keep reading to learn Noonan Energy’s five easy tips for hacking your indoor air and breathing easy this winter.

Tips for Easy Indoor Breathing 

  1. Keep Your Home Clean

    A good vacuum can make a big difference in the air quality of your home during winter. Since carpets are particularly bad at harboring dirt, dust, and dander, vacuuming at least once a week can lead to a noticeable improvement in your home’s air quality. A vacuum with a HEPA filter is especially useful since it avoids blowing dust back into the air.

    Related Post: How’s the Air Quality in Your MA Home?

  2. Bring the Outdoors Indoors

    Plants are an excellent way to improve the air quality in your home. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and other pollutants and exhale oxygen, leading to fresher air for you to breathe. Adding more plants to your home can help combat the stuffiness of indoor, winter air.

  3. Pay Attention to Your Air Filters

    Your heating system works hard during the winter, and that means more dust, debris, and bacteria are collecting in its filter. A dirty filter could contribute to dirtier indoor air. Filters are changed out during regular tune-ups, so contact us today to schedule your tune-up.

  4. Embrace Humidity

    The issue with winter air is not only the allergens and pollutants trapped inside; winter air can also be extremely dry, making your home seem stuffy and leading to dry throats and noses. Running a humidifier during the cold season can add moisture back into the air, making breathing more comfortable.

  5. Add an Air Purifier

    While the filters on your heating system can catch a lot of dust and debris, there are many types and sizes of particles it may not be able to catch. Adding an air purifier may be helpful as many air purifiers can capture and kill bacteria or viruses and clear your air of smoke, animal dander, and other pollutants. 

Contact Noonan for All of Your Air Quality and Energy Needs 

The trained professionals at Noonan can help you improve the air quality in your Massachusetts or Connecticut home. With over 100 years of experience, you can rest assured you’re receiving the highest quality service available when you count on Noonan. Contact us today for a tune-up or to replace an aging system to ensure the best indoor air quality for your home.