Why put off until tomorrow what we can do for you today?

At Noonan Energy, we always want to give you the best and fastest service possible; however, demand for our services spikes during certain times of the year, which is why it pays to plan ahead. These spikes correspond to the seasons – we get a lot of calls for heating service and installation once the cold weather sets in, and the demand for air conditioning service and installation rises with the temperatures. 

No Wait Zone - Special Page.jpgFebruary, March and April are those in-between months when our team can offer more scheduling flexibility. That’s why we have initiated this time as our “No Wait Zone” – you can call and request any of our services, including installations and we will be there quickly to take care of it. 

Is your heating system acting up, or in need of replacement? Call us today instead of putting it off until the start of next winter. Considering a new air conditioning system? Don’t wait until everyone else wants one, too, on the first day of heat and humidity. We can install a new air conditioning system in your home now, so you will be cool as soon as summer strikes. If central air conditioning was not an option for you in the past, think again. Call us to find out how central air or a ductless mini-split might keep you comfortable throughout the year. We already had some exceptionally warm days in February, so who knows what the summer will bring? 

As an added incentive for you to take advantage of our “No Wait Zone,” we are offering $300 off air conditioning or heating installation if it is booked before Saturday, April 15, 2017 (installation can occur after 4/15/17 with a signed contract).

Our ultimate goal is to keep you comfortable in your home. We hope you will take advantage of our “No Wait Zone” to help us give you the best and fastest service possible. Contact us today.