Pay the Best Price for Heating Oil in 2020

Heating oil prices are at an all-time low. And if we’ve learned one thing in 2020 so far, it’s to expect the unexpected. Now’s the time to lock in your lowest heating oil price to ensure that your heating bills stay affordable when it gets cold. Noonan Energy payment plans are open for the 2020–2021 season. Sign up this summer to be worry-free all winter long!

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What are the benefits of signing up for a payment plan?

If you’re interested in low heating oil bills, but need a few more details about why payment plans are a smart financial move, we’re here to help. Here are a few of the top reasons why homeowners in Western Massachusetts use payment plans to manage their home heating bills:

–          Predictable heating bills—no surprises!

–          Protection from changing market prices

–          Significant savings by locking in low rates

–          Peace of mind all year long

Which payment plan is the best fit for me?

Noonan Energy understands that every household is different, and each comes its own spending goals. This is why we offer several payment plans for our customers to choose from:

Budget Plan

Customers that sign up for the Budget Plan pay one predictable monthly fuel payment. We take your estimated fuel cost for the year (based on previous usage history and predicted market rates) and divide that total amount into equal monthly payments. You can choose a 12-month budget plan or a 10-month budget plan.

 Pre-Pay Plan

 Take care of your winter heating bills in one simple step. When you choose the Pre-Pay Plan you pay for your heating fuel upfront at a low, fixed rate. Noonan Energy can help you estimate how many gallons you will need for the coming season.

 Fixed Price Budget Pre-Pay Plan

 The Fixed Price Budget Pre-Pay Plan allows you to reserve a specific number of heating fuel gallons at a low, contracted price. But instead of paying for it all at once, you can spread that amount out into five smaller installments.

 Downside Protection

Add downside protection to your payment plan of choice to guarantee your lowest price per gallon. When you add downside protection, you will set a maximum price per gallon that you will pay for your fuel. You will never pay more than your predetermined maximum, and if the market price drops below that you pay the lower price.

Why should I sign up for an oil payment plan this year?

Enrolling in a payment plan has always been a wise financial choice, but now it’s more important than ever. Sign up for the payment plan of your choice to take advantage of record-low oil prices and secure affordable heating bills for your family this winter. Contact Noonan Energy with any questions or to enroll today!