Heating Fuel Payment Plans in MA

Not sure which heating fuel payment plan you should choose? Learn about your options and find out how you can save big on heating fuel all year long.

Heating Fuel Payment Plans 101

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How are you spending your summer in Massachusetts? Likely things on the list: grilling on the deck, day trips to the beach, long weekends by the lake, evening trips to the ice cream stand, and more! Your heating bills are probably the very last thing on your mind. But don’t forget about them entirely! Summer is the ideal time to start planning ahead for the next heating season. Sign up for a heating fuel payment plan now to make managing your fuel costs a breeze all year long.

Which Fuel Payment Plan Is Right for You?

  1. Pre-Pay Plan
    Pay it and forget about it! When you sign up for the Pre-Pay Plan, you purchase your heating fuel in advance at a low, fixed rate. We will help you estimate how many gallons you will need for the upcoming season, you pay upfront, and then get back to enjoying your summer.
  2. Budget Plan
    Are you sick of worrying about unpredictable heating bills? With a Budget Plan, you don’t have to! The Budget Plan takes your estimated annual fuel cost and splits it up into even monthly payments. We will estimate your usage based on your heating history, multiply that by projected market rates, and divide the sum into monthly installments. You can opt for a 12-month or 10-month plan.
  3. Fixed Price Budget Pre-Pay Plan
    Like the Pre-Pay Plan, this option allows you to contract for a specific number of heating fuel gallons at a fixed price for the upcoming heating season. However, instead of paying the total cost upfront, you can divide that amount into five affordable payments.
  4. Add-On Downside Protection
    Want even more peace of mind? Noonan Energy offers optional downside protection that will guarantee that you always pay the best possible price for your heating fuel. You secure a fixed maximum price per gallon, and if the market price drops below this rate, you pay the lower rate.

Why Sign up for a Payment Plan?

Year after year, heating fuel payment plans have delivered significant benefits to homeowners in Western MA:

–          Significant savings

–          Predictable heating bills

–          Protection from market fluctuation

–          Greater peace of mind

What are you waiting for? Sign up for your heating fuel payment plan now to take control of your heating bills for the whole year! Signing up with Noonan Energy is quick and simple–so you can maximize your time enjoying the summer weather.