MA Winter Weather Forecast for 2020

Weather predictions for the 2019-2020 winter season are in. Get reliable oil delivery and heating service in Springfield, MA to be prepared.

2020 Winter Weather Outlook in Massachusetts

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If you live in Springfield or surrounding parts of Massachusetts, you know how cold the temperatures can drop during the winter. This year is predicted to be a little bit warmer, but that doesn’t mean you should plan for an early spring! According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, this winter will be filled with many ups and downs on the thermometer and frosty conditions are expected to last well into spring.

How can you make sure your home is ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store? Noonan Energy is here to help with all your home heating needs.

Homeowner’s Checklist to Prep for Winter

  • Sign up for Automatic Heating Oil Delivery

The best way to know for sure that your home will be heated all winter is to sign up for automatic oil delivery. All you have to do is sign up and we will create a custom fuel delivery schedule based on your fuel usage and degree-day calculations. Noonan Energy will deliver heating oil to your home before your tank gets too low. Plus, there’s no need to be home for deliveries!

  • Schedule a Heating System Tune-Up

 Getting a heating system tune-up is very important for many reasons. When you schedule a tune-up one of our technicians will make sure that your boiler or furnace is safe and ready to operate. A tune-up will also ensure improved air quality, increased equipment lifespan, lower your risk of emergency breakdowns, as well as reduce your annual energy costs. If you want even more peace of mind, sign up for a comfort plan to protect your heating equipment and your wallet.

  • Seal Any Drafts

 Don’t let air leaks waste your valuable heating fuel! Add caulk or weather-stripping to seal leaks around doors and windows.

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat

 Programmable thermostats are easy to use and can help cut energy costs. Simply program your thermostat to lower the temperature in your house while you are sleeping or not home. Wi-Fi thermostats can be synced to your smart device to provide remote control of inside temperatures, wherever you are!

Contact Noonan Energy today to get your home ready for this upcoming winter season!