How to Save Energy in Massachusetts This Fall

Halloween is quickly approaching, and the weather’s getting colder and colder each day. With that being said, is your home prepared to keep you warm at a price that won’t break the bank? Noonan Energy is here for you with a variety of tips and tricks to help your fall and winter go as smoothly as possible. Here are our top suggestions for keeping your home safe affordably:

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  1. Seal any drafts in windows or doors
  2. Install a programmable thermostat
  3. Open the curtains to soak up the sun
  4. Consider a high-efficiency heating upgrade
  5. Sign up for a fuel delivery payment plan

Need help with any of the above? Just get in touch with Noonan Energy! Our team of home comfort experts will be thrilled to help your family stay warm and safe in your Massachusetts home as the leaves and snow start to fall. But before you call it a day, there’s one more crucial safety tip that’s different this year. Unlike past years, many families are staying home this year and working or schooling remotely. If you fall in this majority, please give us a call at (800) 343-8829 to let us know. Here’s why.

Why Let Us Know if You’re Working or Learning from Home

During a normal autumn, work, school, sports, and fall activities lure us out of our homes. But this year, almost every Massachusetts family is guaranteed to be spending more time at home. This means that your HVAC system will be working hard burning oil to keep our homes safe and sound.

If you use our convenient automatic oil delivery service to get your fuel oil storage tank filled, be sure to let us know if you’re working (or your family members are learning) from home this season. We’ll be happy to adjust your heating oil delivery schedule to accommodate the expected extra usage. If you’re not on automatic oil delivery, don’t forget to check your tank gauge frequently and place an order when your tank gauge reaches ¼. Or, take the worry off your mind by signing up for automatic delivery this year! We’ll provide fuel automatically whenever you’re in need of a refill.