7 Tips to Save on Your Energy Bills This Fall

7 Tips to Save on Your Energy Bills This Fall

Cold weather has arrived! New England is one of the best places to enjoy this beautiful season, but with it comes heating bills and home energy costs. Prep your home now so that you can enjoy the best that autumn has to offer, without worrying about sky-high energy bills.

Energy-Saving Tips for MA Homeowners

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When it comes to your fall to-do list, there are common culprits that keep you busy as the leaves start to change. You’re probably thinking about packing away the patio furniture, clearing leaves from the gutters, and getting your Halloween decorations set up. These are all well and good, but it is important to use the following tips to keep your home cozy and your heating costs low from now until next spring.

  1. Seal Drafts. It’s a constant battle to heat a leaky house. Seal windows and doors, along with ductwork, to keep the heat inside where it belongs.
  2. Consider a High-Efficiency Upgrade. Installing new heating equipment will save you on fuel costs along with repair calls and emergency service visits. See available equipment here.
  3. Close Curtains at Night, Open Them During the Day. Take advantage of free solar power! The sun’s rays will naturally raise indoor temperatures. Closing curtains at night keep out the evening chill.
  4. Install a Programmable Thermostat. You can set your thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature while you’re out of the house or asleep, cutting down on your heating bills each day.
  5. Wash Clothes in Cold Water. This saves the heated water in your home for showers.
  6. Schedule Your Tune-Up. Homeowners who regularly tune up their systems spend less on repairs and emergency service calls overall. Click here to schedule your tune-up today!
  7. Consider Holiday Lighting Costs. LED holiday lights are the most efficient way to decorate.

    Happy Savings!


We at Noonan Energy wish you the most savings-filled fall so far! If you need an oil delivery, heating system repair, or tune-up, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll get you in the schedule and complete your service above and beyond expectations.