Winter Safety Tips for New England Homeowners

The first day of winter will be here before we know it. New Englanders start prepping for the cold long before the official start of the season. Is your home ready for snow, ice, wind, and below-freezing temperatures? Use this safety checklist to make sure you’re prepared for whatever the forecast brings to your home in Massachusetts or Connecticut.

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Top 4 Safety Tips for Winter in New England

Safety Tip #1: Keep your driveway clear

Do you have a plow company on speed dial, or do you take care of your own snow removal? However you handle snowfall at your property, it is important to make sure your driveway is cleared after every storm. Our drivers will do their best to deliver your fuel while leaving our trucks on the road, but in some cases, driveway access is needed in order to safely deliver your heating fuel on schedule.

Safety Tip #2: Shovel access paths to your fill pipe

Speaking of the delivery team, please remember to shovel or snowblow a path to your fill pipe after every snowfall as well. Our drivers need a clear path so that they can complete your fuel delivery safely. Putting down sand or salt to make the path safe to walk on is greatly appreciated!

Safety Tip #3: Restarting your heating system when you lose power

It happens to all of us—a winter storm knocks out the power, and when it finally gets restored, you could be left wondering why your heating system isn’t kicking on. Sometimes you might need to reset your heating system after you lose power. Follow these steps to do it safely:

  1. Check your thermostat. Make sure it has working batteries and is set to HEAT.
  2. Check your fuel tank to make sure you have fuel.
  3. Check the system’s emergency switch. Make sure it was not turned off by accident.
  4. Once you have followed steps 1-3, press the RESET button on your heating system ONCE ONLY. If pressing the reset button does not turn your equipment on, call Noonan Energy right away at (800) 343-8829.

Safety Tip #4: Keep an eye on your fuel tank

If your family is spending more time working and learning at home, you’ll go through your heating fuel faster than normal. If you are on will-call fuel delivery, please remember to check your oil tank regularly. We recommend that you order heating oil when your tank gauge reads ¼ full. Running out of heating oil is an unnecessary safety hazard that can damage your heating system, cause your pipes to freeze and burst, and leave your family stuck in the cold! If you prefer to take “check oil tank level” off your to-do list for good, contact us to enroll in our convenient automatic delivery service.

We hope these winter safety tips can help you stay safe and comfortable this season. If you have any questions or need to contact Noonan Energy to request heating service or order heating fuel, we are just a call or click away!