Spring Home Care Tips

Sunshine and greenery! Spring has sprung here in Massachusetts. When the seasons change, it’s important to remember to take extra special care of your home. Here at Noonan Energy, we want to help you keep your home in tip-top shape, so read on to find out what you need to do to prepare your property this warm season.

April Image.jpgGet Your A/C Tune-Up

Getting your A/C tune-up annually can really help you save during the warm weather, and the benefits are countless. You’ll enjoy the security of knowing you won’t likely have to face any unexpected breakdowns during the seasons, your air conditioner will be more energy efficient, and you’ll improve your indoor air quality all at once.

Get Your Oil Tank Filled

You may not be thinking about your oil tank during warm weather, but it’s important to keep it filled all year long. When you keep your tank full with a spring fill, you greatly reduce the chances of internal condensation and rust, protecting your tank. Plus, you can get a jump on fall pricing, and keep your water heater running smoothly with ample fuel supply.

Check Window and Door Seals

Now that you’re running the A/C, you don’t want to let that cool air escape your home. Having leaks in your doors and windows can cost you when it comes to your electric bill. Check all your windows and doors for leaks and replace the seals.

Get a Heating Tune-Up

Spring is the perfect time to get your heating tune-up. Your heating system has been working hard all winter. The start of a warm season is a great time for a tune-up to prep it for a sedentary summer, so as soon as the first chilly day rolls in when the seasons change again, it’s ready to run smoothly and efficiently, keeping you comfortable.

Contact Us for a Tune-Up or an Oil Fill

When you get around to your spring to-do list, be sure to contact Noonan Energy for a tune-up, oil fill, or any cooling and air conditioning services you may need. We want to help you make the best of the beautiful spring and summer seasons here in Massachusetts.