Spring A/C Rebates for MA

Thinking about buying a new air conditioner this spring? Save big with Mass Save rebates. Contact Noonan Energy for an A/C installation quote.

Reasons to Switch to a New Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner This Spring

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We’re finally starting to see signs of spring here in Massachusetts, including April showers, budding trees, and warmer temperatures, to name a few. Soon enough summer will be here and we will all be looking for relief from the heat. Is your current air conditioner up to the challenge of another hot and humid New England summer?

If you are still using inefficient window A/C units or your current central A/C system has seen better days, you should consider upgrading to a new, high-efficiency air conditioning system. You could save big on your spring upgrade by taking advantage of Massachusetts rebates, and enjoy long-term benefits like lower utility bills, better comfort, and reduced risk of repairs.

Why Upgrade My Air Conditioner This Season?

  1. Take advantage of rebates

This season, everyone is looking for ways to save a little extra. Right now Mass Save is offering major deals for Massachusetts residents who upgrade to new high-efficiency central air conditioning and ductless mini-split air conditioning systems. These rebates cut down on the upfront cost of a new air conditioner. Noonan Energy is pleased to install high-efficiency A/C systems that qualify for these rebates. Simply contact us and we can help you navigate the process.

        2. Help the planet

Earth Day is just around the corner! Did you know that a new A/C unit is one of the ways you can help protect our environment? High-efficiency air conditioning systems require less energy to produce higher-quality cooling. This means that when you have a new air conditioning unit, you are reducing emissions.

       3. Spend less on utility bills

During the hottest months of the year, your family relies on your home’s A/C the most. When you have a more energy-efficient unit, you will see significant savings on your utility bills when running your air conditioner.

       4. Reduce the risk of breakdowns

Nothing is worse than going to switch on your A/C unit only to feel warm air coming from the vents. Older air conditioning systems are more likely to break down during the peak summer months. High-efficiency central A/C and ductless mini-split units are less likely to malfunction, which will also help save on surprise repair bills.

      5. Enjoy more reliable comfort

Today’s high-efficiency air conditioning units are equipped with the latest technology. Advanced features like remote control, compatibility with Wi-Fi thermostats, and sensor technology are all designed to provide you with the most convenient cooling.

Thinking about investing in a new air conditioning system this spring? Make your tax returns go the distance by taking advantage of Mass Save rebates and working with an experienced HVAC company like Noonan Energy. We’re here to help you select the best model for your home and budget. Contact us to ask questions about our air conditioning services or to get a quote today.