Protect Your Pipes From Freezing Temps

Noonan Energy offers tips to keep your pipes from freezing this winter

Winter is approaching and with its frigid temperatures comes the potential for frozen pipes. A frozen pipe is more than a nuisance; it is one of the most common – and costly – issues homeowners face during the winter months. 

We all know that when water freezes, it expands. What some homeowners fail to realize is that as the ice expands, it increases the pressure on your pipe, which can cause it to rupture. Simply put, when a pipe freezes, it can burst and leave you with not only extensive water damage, but no water until the pipe is repaired. When that happens, keep in mind that Noonan Energy offers complete plumbing services for residents in the Pioneer Valley. However, there are ways to reduce your risk.

Pipes located in unheated spaces – like a garage, attic or crawlspace, for example – are the most susceptible to becoming frozen this winter. “Snow birds” or families who are away visiting relatives during the holidays should especially be aware of how to prevent their pipes from freezing. Taking these preventive measures now could save you from having to make costly repairs later:

  • Protect your pipes. Look around your home for any exposed pipes and cover them with pipe insulation.
  • Let your water drip. When the temperatures plummet to below freezing, simply allow your cold water to run in all sinks at a slow, constant drip. That small amount of water moving through your pipes could prevent them from freezing.
  • Close valves providing water to outdoor hoses. After turning off the valves, leave the hose bib (or faucet) on to prevent any remaining water from freezing and bursting the pipe.
  • Open cabinet doors in the bathrooms and kitchen. This allows the heat from your home to circulate, which keeps the pipes warm. 
  • Set your thermostat to a constant temperature, day and night. During the winter, it’s tempting to save energy (and money!) by turning down the thermostat overnight. If the outdoor temperature is freezing, this may increase your risk of a frozen pipe. We recommend not setting the temperature below 50° F.
  • If your pipes freeze, call Noonan Energy. We’re here to help! We offer same-day emergency plumbing services in addition to our scheduled consultations and inspections.

The most important thing you can do to keep your family safe this winter is be ready for an emergency before one arises. The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, an independent, nonprofit, scientific research and communications organization, offers a comprehensive guide for Freezing and Bursting Pipes on its website and the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) provides tips to help you prepare for the winter, including ways to winterize your home.

For top quality oilheat service, fuel delivery, heating or cooling equipment sales or installation and complete plumbing services, call Noonan Energy today, 800-343-8829.