No Filter: Straightforward Advice About Replacing Air Filters

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It’s that time of year when the air conditioning has been off for weeks and it’s time to turn on the heat. Gathering with friends and family for the holidays is right around the corner and you want to make sure that they are comfortable when it’s your turn to host. You’ve been reading our blogs about how to save money by making your home more energy efficient, but have you considered changing the filter in your furnace? Many homeowners only think about changing the filter for air conditioning units, but it is equally important to change the furnace filter during the colder seasons. Keeping your air filter up to date has many benefits, which not only save homeowners money, but is healthier for families too.

If you still aren’t convinced, here are the top five reasons to replace your furnace’s filter this winter: 

  1. Extended life. When a furnace filter is clogged, it has to work much harder to complete its job, which means the motor and parts inside the furnace may overheat. One of the leading causes of broken heating equipment is filthy, clogged air filters. Extend the life of your furnace by maintaining the filter – a much smaller upfront cost than replacing the entire unit sooner than you need to.
  2. Energy costs. As mentioned above, when a filter is clogged, heating systems have to work overtime. Keeping the air in your home flowing freely with clean filters will keep your energy costs down.
  3. Air quality. Air filters help circulate air through a home. Simply put, if the air filter is grimy, you are breathing in unclean air. Additionally, because of New England winters, you are probably spending more time inside. Even more reason to keep your air filter clean.
  4. Improved air flow. When air filters get dirty, air flow is restricted. If a filter gets too dirty, different areas in the home might not get warm since air will not be distributed evenly.
  5. Peace of mind. Making sure to diligently change air filters within a home will not only lower energy costs and keep your air cleaner – it will also give you peace of mind that your furnace is performing at its best.

 Changing your furnace’s air filter during the winter months is vital. This will ensure that your furnace will work at its best performance during the coldest times of the year and prevent unscheduled or emergency maintenance trips to your home (but we’re around for that, too, when you need us).

 For more questions about air filters or your HVAC system, contact Noonan Energy today at 800-343-8829 or visit,