How to Keep your Heating System Going Strong All Winter Long

After an unusually warm start to the season, the temperature has finally started to drop and the snow has begun to fall. As you head outside to dig out your car or clear your sidewalks, there are some other places around your home that need attention during the winter months. Don’t overlook your heating system; make sure snow and ice won’t interfere with your heating needs. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you and your family can follow to ensure that your heating system is running efficiently, despite the weather!

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1. Keep heating vents clear of snow. When snow builds up around your heating vent hood, it could easily lead toproblems. If you find yourself without heat, check your heating vents for build up; newer units need air flow to operate properly and efficiently.

2. Clear the driveway of snow and ice. In order to deliver your oil, please keep your driveway clear of snow and ice. Clearing a path to your fill pipe will allow us to easily fill your tank and keep your family warm during these frigid months.

3. Sign up for automatic delivery. Another way to ensure a worry-free winter is to sign up for Noonan’s automatic delivery. As the snow falls, you don’t want to get stuck without heat. When you sign up for automatic delivery, you don’t have to remember to call us when you are running low. We will keep your heating system going all winter long with a custom delivery schedule based on your regular usage and temperature degree day calculations.

During the winter months, we all rely on our home heating systems. When the months gets chilly and your heating system stops working, it can create a big problem. Taking these steps to maintain your heating system all winter long can reduce the likelihood of headaches down the road. To schedule your automatic delivery or for any questions about your oil heat, give us a call today at 800-343-8829 or visit our website to sign up today.