Better, Safer, Cleaner: Why We Believe in Bioheat®

Congratulations, loyal Noonan customers. All year round (and especially during winter months), you have continually done your part to make the world a better place. You have helped to conserve energy, keep local and global environments clean, decrease our nation’s dependence on both foreign and domestic fossil fuels, and even create tens of thousands of U.S. jobs. And, quite possibly, all without even knowing it.Bioheat Tank - solo.jpg

If Noonan Energy supplies your heating oil, you have made a wise and eco-friendly choice. We are proud to be a leading regional supplier of Bioheat®, a high-grade biodiesel fuel that burns like traditional heating oil but is easier on both the environment and your heating system. So brilliant is this game-changing innovation that it’s the only type of heating oil we deliver today. For our long-trusted family of energy experts, the decision to embrace Bioheat was as natural as the fuel’s own renewable components.

What’s in it (and what’s in it for you)

Biodiesel refers to fuel that is made from a blend of fatty acids found in certain organic oils, including soybean oil, other vegetable oils and even recycled cooking oils from restaurants. Because these substances are both nontoxic and biodegradable, they are safer, cleaner and much more energy efficient than conventional sources of heating fuel. Bioheat combines pure, industry-standard biodiesel fuel with low-sulfur heating oil, creating a smart and sustainable home-energy solution.

You might think something so seemingly miraculous would have a price tag to match. In that case, you would be pleasantly surprised to learn that Bioheat costs about the same as traditional heating oil. In addition, Bioheat:

  • Does not require any heating equipment modifications
  • Can actually improve the performance and efficiency of your heating system
  • Has higher BTU (British thermal unit) content than any other alternative fuel, meaning it can heat your home better and faster

Excelling in the areas of quality, effectiveness, environmental responsibility and affordability, Bioheat more than meets the standards to which we hold all our products and services.

 Bioheat and the bigger picture

Biodiesel-based fuel is fast becoming the home-heating oil of choice nationwide—and it’s no wonder. Together with the homeowners we serve, the good we are doing extends beyond our own backyard and will resonate for years to come. According to a landmark 2015 study by the National Oilheat Research Alliance, Bioheat:

  • Produces fewer harmful emissions than natural gas over a 20-year period
  • Supports the American agricultural industry through an increasing demand for soybeans and other feedstocks
  • Positively impacts the economy in other ways, such as the facilitation of new jobs (production, sales, distribution)
  • Helps conserve and may gradually displace dwindling fossil fuels
  • Will potentially benefit U.S. energy security, human health and the course of global climate change

Currently, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is considering legislation that would make Bioheat the statewide standard for heating oil, a mandate that New York State notably passed in 2013. If and when the Bay State follows suit, Noonan Energy and its customers will be ahead of the game.

To generations of Springfield-area residents, our iconic logo and signature trucks have made one thing clear: Noonan Energy is into green. Our wholehearted investment in Bioheat is an example of just how much. Contact us to learn more about Bioheat and all our premier home-comfort services.